
Best Financial Articles

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Save Thousands on Your Mortgage by Choosing the Right Advisor

If you don't already know it, the real estate market has changed in the last couple of years and the days of easy home mortgages are gone. So if you are in the market for a home mortgage, it's time to start doing your homework.

When house prices were steadily rising just a few short months ago, it was easy to get mortgage money. But now that things have been cooling off and the steady increase in prices has virtually come to a halt, banks and mortgage lending institutions have made borrowing more difficult.

The most important change is that interest rates have been on the rise for several months. If you are new to the house buying market this may not seem all that significant. But the truth is, on a large home mortgage even a small change in the interest rate can make a very big difference to your payment.

In fact it is usually the interest rate that determines how much you can borrow, so it is the interest rate that often makes the difference between being accepted or rejected for a home mortgage. The reason is simple. To qualify you for a home mortgage the lender determines what payment level you can afford. And since a big part of your payment will be interest, a higher interest rate could easily put the payment out of reach.

**Find a home mortgage advisor**

One of the first things you should do before making home mortgage decisions is to find a professional advisor who has a lot of experience in the home mortgage business. Look for an advisor who has in-depth and current knowledge of real estate and mortgage trends and can make use of many different sources of mortgage funds.

Often your best choice will not be your regular banker. Banks almost always recommend their own products and are not very interested in suggesting other products - even if they are a better deal for you.

Think about it this way - if your credit rating is good and you have a good steady income there are lots of lenders out there eager to give you a home mortgage. So you can probably get a better deal than the one your bank is offering. On the other hand, if you don't have a particularly good credit rating or have cash flow problems you may need some creative suggestions. But your bank is not likely to give them to you. They want you to follow their rules and mee their requirements.

So really the only time you should use a bank is when you are not concerned with getting a better deal.

The altenative is to find a home mortgage advisor who knows the market inside out and who has access to many different solutions from many different sources.

**Good deals are still available**

Even when credit starts tightening up there are ways to get a good deal on a home mortgage. Sometimes these good deals involve government backed loans such as FHA loans. These loans exist to help people with even horrible credit to borrow as much as 97 percent of the value of their home. The primary requirement is that they have the necessary income to make regular payments.

Home mortgages like these make home ownership possible for many people who might not otherwise qualify. So they are very good deals for many people. But many traditional lenders will not recommend them because there is not enough profit in it for them. Some traditional lenders are not even aware these alternatives exist.

In fact Even many mortgage brokers will not recommend these loans because they involve some extra work. However, from the borrower's point of view it is worth finding a mortgage broker who will put together the best deal for you. It could make an otherwise impossible mortgage a reality, and it could save you literally thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage.

**An ARM works for some people**

Another mortgage possibility is called the "option adustable rate loan" - commonly referred to as an ARM. Many people took advantage of this approach in the most recent real estate boom. If you qualify you could pay as little as 1% interest against a "real" rate of about 7.25%. To qualify you need a very good credit rating and good prospects for the future.

But you must be careful with plans like this. The unpaid interest is added to the principal of your loan, so the amount you owe is actually increasing. Eventually you will have to start making payments against the increased principal amount. So your payments will no doubt be higher than they otherwise would have been. After two or three years your payments could end up being more than you can afford to pay.

But this approach does give a borrower the option of making drastically reduced payments for a short period of time. It is used most often when a person has serious short term cash flow problems, or when they forsee their financial situation significantly improving a year or two in the future.

**Make the right mortgage choices**

While it is becoming more difficult to qualify for a home mortgage, and more expensive to afford one, there are still money saving deals available from many different sources. But you have to know how to find those sources, and that's why it is so important to deal with an experienced professional advisor you can trust. Look for someone who has in-depth knowledge of the current home mortgage situation and who is experienced in dealing with situations like yours.

The best advisor is a broker who has hundreds of lenders to draw on, so almost everyone can get what they are looking for.

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